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Venus Success Stories – Mandi

Updated: Apr 29

After my first visit to Helen I felt completely empowered.  There was no judgement, she just said “right, this is where we start to change things”.

I first met Mandi in December last year when she came to see me as she was feeling tired, sluggish and wanted to lose weight.  Her mood was low and so was her confidence, she wanted a “revamp” and to “re find me”.  When we started her programme in February she had started to investigate some symptoms which was a really stressful time for her, not knowing and fearing the worse.  We started on her goals of improving energy and weight loss through choosing low GL foods but then moved on to supporting her liver after her diagnosis.

It was great to give Mandi support over a long period of time and her programme developed as we had more information. It was a delight to work with Mandi, she followed the recommendations that we agreed to the letter and I was absolutely thrilled with her outcome!

Would you mind sharing the reasons (health issues/goals) that you came to see Helen.

I had put on some weight despite eating sensibly and taking regular exercise and I was also coming through the menopause. I was feeling very flat and tired so I went for some blood tests and the results were abnormal: I was diagnosed with pre diabetes and also severe fatty liver disease.  When I went to see Helen I literally said to her “I’ve lost my mojo and I need to revamp what I am doing”.  She listened to everything and set me off with some changes.

And can you share the approach that Helen took?

Standing on Helen’s scales right at the beginning was the hardest thing.  I’m a nurse so I thought a I knew how to stay healthy but it was a shocking thing to do.  However, after my first visit to Helen I felt completely empowered.  There was no judgement, she just said “right this is where we start to change things”. Helen had been recommended to me so I decided to go for the full 1:1 package.  Because of covid we have had to do quite a lot on Zoom and I had to get my head round that, but it has completely worked. Helen has managed to help me with motivation and drive and she is never too busy to answer my questions.  I once sent her a menu before I went out to eat and asked her which would be the best thing to choose and she was very happy to advise me.

She taught me about the effects different foods can have. I’d been on a rollercoaster of energy levels due to my sugar intake and I honestly wouldn’t have known how to tackle this without her.

What are the main/key things that you learnt?

That there is an entirely different side to food. The doctors said to me that my diet might need to be more Mediterranean and it definitely suits me better.  I am now gluten-free which has made an incredible difference.  I don’t eat potatoes and have cut out sugar.  I think I learnt that you shouldn’t kid yourself that you know how to eat healthily – I needed an expert like Helen to show me how to eat better.  I’m in my mid 50’s and it was time to think differently about my health.

Did anything surprise you?

At one point during my time working with Helen, the doctors started to question if I had liver cancer and this was a very scary time. I went through all of it with Helen by my side.  Thankfully there was no cancer but the doctors advised losing some weight and thanks to Helen I have lost more than they recommended.  At my latest scan the doctor said he couldn’t believe my progress.  I’m thoroughly enjoying putting clothes back on as I have dropped a size.  And after lockdown when we started seeing people again I had so many positive reactions: “Oh wow you look amazing!”  When you live through the changes you don’t always notice it so much, so this was a huge emotional reward.

What changes to your health have you experienced?

My energy levels are so much better, the peaks and troughs have gone.  I never feel hungry now and have learnt to have a healthy breakfast, and plenty of nuts and raisins to snack on during the day.  Learning what to reach for means I don’t crave the bad stuff at all anymore.  I’ve lost weight and the consultants are extremely happy with how I have turned things around.

What are the changes that you have continued to make?

As mentioned, I am gluten-free and sugar free now.  Helen also introduced me to supplements which have made a big difference.  She is extremely knowledgeable and suggested supplements to support my liver.  The consultants are very happy with the maintenance programme I am now on and I think that being so open with Helen about my medical data meant that she could complement my doctor’s advice with a naturopathic approach.

How did you find the experience?

I started with an intensive programme where I saw Helen very regularly, as I needed that level of contact.  Then we reduced it to once a month and now I will contact her if I need any adhoc advice.  I follow Helen via her social media and newsletters and I know she is always at the end of the phone if I need her.

What did you enjoy the most about the programme?

I always looked forward to seeing Helen!  She really listened to me and she is compassionate and caring but very professional.  I always felt supported by her, particularly when I was going through the scans for my liver, and then we celebrated together when the results came back negative.

What would you say to others that are considering a nutrition and lifestyle programme with Helen?

Honestly we just have to do this sort of thing.  With Covid we are all starting to look at how we can look after ourselves more holistically and I think you have to have the confidence not to overthink it, and to trust that someone can help you.  I made a big financial investment by taking up Helen’s most intensive programme but I needed that level of contact and I had to think of it as a long term investment.  If you are prepared to embrace and commit to it, and trust in Helen, you definitely won’t regret it!

If you are interested in finding out how nutritional therapy and health coaching can help you reach your health goals book your free 15 minute phone call with Helen by emailing or text 07740157193

If you want try the online plan, you can book on to my next 28 day online nutrition & lifestyle programme here.

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